
small life

Hi! I'm Khadija, aka your Sacred Timekeeper

I am here to help remind you that you really can all the ​time you need for all the things you truly value in this ​moment in your life.

Work with me and together we can get you to a place ​where you feel like time is in abundance and you are ​exactly where you are supposed to be in your life.

No more wishing you had more time, no more stressing ​about everything you have to get done. Learn to be at ​peace with time and learn to manage your energy to ​maximize your efforts. This is the way of the Brilliant Small ​Life.

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If you have been feeling like the year is moving to fast and you need more time to do the ​things you said you were going to finally get into this year, then this program is for you.

If you have been feeling like you’re never going to have time to do the things that matter ​most to you because you’re always doing what you HAVE to do, or what OTHER PEOPLE ​need you to do, then this community is for you.

If you are afraid that one day you will look up and regret the time wasted on things that ​didn’t really light you up, then this program is for you. Take the next 6 months to try out a ​new way of managing your time and see if you

Brilliant Small Life ​Membership enrollment ​is now open!

What you ​Ge​t

Program includes:

One monthly coaching call

2 more masterclass coaching calls (one for fall and one for winter)

Access to BSL Masterclass

BSL Journal (electronic)

Slack community - cheering each other one; keeping each other accountable

Woman reading book in hammock

" If you are tired of starting over, stop quitting.""

If you want to end the ​year strong

but with ease

sign up now

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2024 Brilliant Small Life